Stain Away

Stain Away

Stain Away is a water-based product for removing most fresh stains, even fresh ballpoint pen stains, from microfibres or protected textiles.

Type: Water-based, alkaline stain remover for textiles

Cleaning power: Moderate

Suitable for: Fabric upholstery, carpets and rugs


  • Stain removal


  • Water based
  • Highly affective on acidic and oily stains
  • Will also remove water-based stains, including stains caused by food, beverages and bodily fluids

Available in:

1 litre

1 litre

Care kits

Care Kits

Online retialers

leather care kits
leather care kits
leather care kits
leather care kits
leather care kits
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Customer Service
Australia: 1300 885 010
New Zealand: 0800 888 789

Phone: +612 8536 9000
Fax: +612 8536 9001